Giants win comeback victory with a roundtripper sayonara hit


  • Giant’s come-from-behind victory with Maru’s walk-off home run in extra innings
  • Maru, who had been in a slump, recovered and produced a game-winning hit with his modified batting form following his coach’s advice
  • Sakamoto also contributed to the team with his two-run homer and other plays. The improved performance of the core players was impressive
  • If other players can also step up their game, the Giants may become even stronger

Word Exercise

come-from-behind逆転のGiant’s come-from-behind victory with Maru’s walk-off home run in extra innings
walk-offサヨナラのGiant’s come-from-behind victory with Maru’s walk-off home run in extra innings
slump不振Maru, who had been in a slump, recovered and produced a game-winning hit with his modified batting form following his coach’s advice
game-winning勝利を決めるMaru, who had been in a slump, recovered and produced a game-winning hit with his modified batting form following his coach’s advice
homerホームランSakamoto also contributed to the team with his two-run homer and other plays
core中心となるThe improved performance of the core players was impressive
impressive印象的なThe improved performance of the core players was impressive
step upレベルアップするIf other players can also step up their game, the Giants may become even stronger
strongerより強くなるIf other players can also step up their game, the Giants may become even stronger


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