Luminary Technologies CEO acquired by Forbes for $800 million


  • The CEO of US-based Luminaire Technologies has acquired 82% ownership of the publisher of Forbes, valuing the company at approximately $800 million.
  • Successful entrepreneurs have been making moves to acquire long-standing media companies, and with the spread of the internet, it has become easier to acquire tech entrepreneurs.
  • After the acquisition, there are cases where they distance themselves from day-to-day management while sharing and utilizing expertise in digital technology to bolster their operations.

Word Exercise

acquire取得するThe company has acquired ownership of the publisher of Forbes.
entrepreneur起業家Successful entrepreneurs have been making moves to acquire media companies.
spread広がるWith the spread of the internet, it has become easier to acquire tech entrepreneurs.
techテクノロジーEntrepreneurs have been making moves to acquire long-standing media companies and tech entrepreneurs.
expertise専門知識After the acquisition, they utilize expertise in digital technology.
bolster強化するThey utilize expertise in digital technology to bolster their operations.
ownership所有権The CEO has acquired 82% ownership of the publisher of Forbes.
publisher出版社The CEO has acquired 82% ownership of the publisher of Forbes.
valuing評価するThe CEO has acquired ownership of the publisher of Forbes, valuing the company at approximately $800 million.
day-to-day日々のAfter the acquisition, there are cases where they distance themselves from day-to-day management.


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