Japanese Stocks Attract Attention in Asia


  • Japan’s market capitalization increase is top in Asia, reaching twice that of China with the Nikkei Stock Average recording its highest level in 33 years.
  • Investors are once again paying attention to Japanese stocks due to uncertainty in China’s future, resulting in numerous buy orders coming from Asia and Europe.
  • In the midst of prolonged conflict with China, Canada’s pension fund has also taken steps to decrease Chinese investment.
  • The reason foreign investors are focusing on Japanese stocks is due to expectations of improvement in return on equity (ROE) and expansion of shareholder return.

Word Exercise

market capitalization時価総額Japan’s market capitalization increase is top in Asia.
Nikkei Stock Average日経平均株価the Nikkei Stock Average recording its highest level in 33 years.
investor投資家Investors are once again paying attention to Japanese stocks.
uncertainty不確実性due to uncertainty in China’s future.
buy order買い注文numerous buy orders coming from Asia and Europe.
conflict紛争prolonged conflict with China.
pension fund年金基金Canada’s pension fund has also taken steps to decrease Chinese investment.
return on equity (ROE)自己資本利益率expectations of improvement in return on equity (ROE).
shareholder return株主還元expectations of expansion of shareholder return.
focus焦点foreign investors are focusing on Japanese stocks.


日本株上昇、アジアで突出 時価総額の伸びは中国の2倍 - 日本経済新聞 日本株の時価総額の伸びがアジアで突出している。2023年に入ってからの時価総額増加額を米ドル建てで比較すると、日本が4000億ドル(約55兆円)増と中国の約2倍となった。...
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