Apple sets limits on AI use by employees, including chatbot GPT


  • It has been revealed that Apple is restricting the use of AI technology utilizing large-scale language models as part of the business operations for some of its employees.
  • The company is concerned that internal confidential information may be leaked as it develops similar AI technology.
  • Apple is reported to be developing its own AI technology for generating automated text and images, such as chat-based GPT.
  • OpenAI has added a feature that does not display interactions with AI in history and is not used as data for improvement by OpenAI.

Word Exercise

restrict制限するApple is restricting the use of AI technology utilizing large-scale language models.
utilize利用するApple is restricting the use of AI technology utilizing large-scale language models.
confidential機密のThe company is concerned that internal confidential information may be leaked.
leak漏れるThe company is concerned that internal confidential information may be leaked.
develop開発するThe company is concerned that internal confidential information may be leaked as it develops similar AI technology.
automated自動化されたApple is reported to be developing its own AI technology for generating automated text and images.
GPTGenerative Pre-trained TransformerApple is reported to be developing its own AI technology for generating automated text and images, such as chat-based GPT.
feature特徴、機能OpenAI has added a feature that does not display interactions with AI in history.
interactionsやりとりOpenAI has added a feature that does not display interactions with AI in history.
improvement改善OpenAI has added a feature that is not used as data for improvement by OpenAI.


Apple、ChatGPTの社内利用を制限 機密流出を懸念 - 日本経済新聞 【シリコンバレー=中藤玲】米アップルが一部の従業員に対し、対話型AI(人工知能)「チャットGPT」などの業務利用を制限していることが分かった。米ウォール・ストリート・...
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