The National Tax Agency Provides Opinion on New Type of Stock Compensation


  • The National Tax Agency has revealed that it will provide a tax treatment viewpoint for the new stock compensation in May.
  • Companies are aware that there is a 20% tax on stock sales, but the National Tax Agency has indicated that up to 55% tax can apply as income.
  • The increase in tax burden may lead to an increase in tax burden for companies introducing the system, with potential wide-ranging effects.
  • There is a system for deferring taxation in trusts, but the National Tax Agency views it as a “loophole” and is concerned.

Word Exercise

compensation報酬The new system includes stock compensation for employees.
tax税金There are various types of tax in Japan, such as consumption tax and income tax.
viewpoint観点The National Tax Agency has provided a tax treatment viewpoint for the new system.
sales販売There is a tax on stock sales that companies need to be aware of.
indicated示したThe National Tax Agency has indicated that up to 55% tax can apply as income.
income所得The 55% tax can apply as income for companies introducing the new system.
increase増加するThe increase in tax burden may lead to potential wide-ranging effects.
deferring延期するThere is a system for deferring taxation in trusts, but it is viewed as a “loophole” by the National Tax Agency.
loophole抜け穴The National Tax Agency views the deferral taxation as a “loophole” in the system.
concerned懸念しているThe National Tax Agency is concerned about the “loophole” in the taxation system.


株式報酬で税負担増も、税率最大55%に 国税庁が見解 - 日本経済新聞 約800社が使う新型の株式報酬について、国税庁が5月にも税務処理の見解を公表することがわかった。企業側は株式売却に対して20%の税金がかかると認識している場合が多いが...
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