Syphilis infections on the rise, with a serious increase in infections among pregnant women

梅毒の感染者数が増加 妊婦の感染も深刻化

  • There is an increasing number of people infected with syphilis through working in the sex industry or having sexual contact through matchmaking apps.
  • About 200 cases of syphilis among pregnant women have been reported annually, and many people only become aware of the infection during routine check-ups as they may not show any symptoms.
  • In some cases, the fetus can become infected through the placenta, resulting in congenital syphilis, which can cause blistering rash, eye or tooth abnormalities.
  • Treatment for syphilis involves injectable medication, which is available and effective, but there is a risk of anaphylaxis.

Word Exercise

increasing増加しているThere is an increasing number of people infected with syphilis.
infected感染したThere is an increasing number of people infected with syphilis through working in the sex industry or having sexual contact through matchmaking apps.
syphilis梅毒About 200 cases of syphilis among pregnant women have been reported annually.
pregnant妊娠したAbout 200 cases of syphilis among pregnant women have been reported annually.
infection感染Many people only become aware of the infection during routine check-ups as they may not show any symptoms.
symptoms症状Many people only become aware of the infection during routine check-ups as they may not show any symptoms.
fetus胎児In some cases, the fetus can become infected through the placenta, resulting in congenital syphilis.
congenital先天性のIn some cases, the fetus can become infected through the placenta, resulting in congenital syphilis, which can cause blistering rash, eye or tooth abnormalities.
treatment治療Treatment for syphilis involves injectable medication, which is available and effective, but there is a risk of anaphylaxis.
anaphylaxisアナフィラキシーTreatment for syphilis involves injectable medication, which is available and effective, but there is a risk of anaphylaxis.


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