Samsung to Establish New Semiconductor Technology Development Base in Japan


  • South Korean electronics company Samsung will establish a semiconductor development base in Yokohama, creating hundreds of jobs.
  • They will advance joint research with Japanese manufacturers using government subsidies.
  • This will accelerate cooperation in the semiconductor industry, leading to improvements in the technological level of Japanese suppliers and revitalization of the semiconductor industry.
  • Relations between Japan and South Korea are rapidly improving, and the two countries will further strengthen their cooperation in the field of economy in addition to security cooperation.

Word Exercise

SamsungサムスンSouth Korean electronics company Samsung will establish a semiconductor development base in Yokohama, creating hundreds of jobs.
semiconductor半導体South Korean electronics company Samsung will establish a semiconductor development base in Yokohama, creating hundreds of jobs.
development開発South Korean electronics company Samsung will establish a semiconductor development base in Yokohama, creating hundreds of jobs.
joint共同のThey will advance joint research with Japanese manufacturers using government subsidies.
research研究They will advance joint research with Japanese manufacturers using government subsidies.
government政府They will advance joint research with Japanese manufacturers using government subsidies.
cooperation協力This will accelerate cooperation in the semiconductor industry, leading to improvements in the technological level of Japanese suppliers and revitalization of the semiconductor industry.
technological技術的なThis will accelerate cooperation in the semiconductor industry, leading to improvements in the technological level of Japanese suppliers and revitalization of the semiconductor industry.
improvements改善This will accelerate cooperation in the semiconductor industry, leading to improvements in the technological level of Japanese suppliers and revitalization of the semiconductor industry.
revitalization再生This will accelerate cooperation in the semiconductor industry, leading to improvements in the technological level of Japanese suppliers and revitalization of the semiconductor industry.


サムスン、日本に半導体開発拠点 素材・装置企業と研究 - 日本経済新聞 韓国サムスン電子が日本に半導体開発拠点を新設する。300億円超を投じ、横浜市内に先端半導体デバイスの試作ラインを整備する。日本政府の補助金も活用する方向で調整して...
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