Current Account Shrinks Due to Weakening Power to Earn from Goods


  • The current account surplus for fiscal year 2022 has shrunk to less than half of the previous year.
  • The deficit in goods trade has reached a record high, and payments for overseas IT services used by companies and individuals continue to increase.
  • The power to earn through goods is weakening, and the weakness of next-generation industries that can earn foreign currency has become apparent.
  • Due to an increase in the import of COVID-19 therapeutic drugs, the balance of payments for pharmaceuticals has expanded its deficit to 4.3 trillion yen.

Word Exercise

surplus黒字The current account surplus for fiscal year 2022 has shrunk to less than half of the previous year.
deficit赤字The deficit in goods trade has reached a record high, and payments for overseas IT services used by companies and individuals continue to increase.
goods商品The power to earn through goods is weakening, and the weakness of next-generation industries that can earn foreign currency has become apparent.
next-generation次世代The power to earn through goods is weakening, and the weakness of next-generation industries that can earn foreign currency has become apparent.
overseas海外のThe deficit in goods trade has reached a record high, and payments for overseas IT services used by companies and individuals continue to increase.
servicesサービスThe deficit in goods trade has reached a record high, and payments for overseas IT services used by companies and individuals continue to increase.
increase増加するThe deficit in goods trade has reached a record high, and payments for overseas IT services used by companies and individuals continue to increase.
import輸入するDue to an increase in the import of COVID-19 therapeutic drugs, the balance of payments for pharmaceuticals has expanded its deficit to 4.3 trillion yen.
therapeutic治療のDue to an increase in the import of COVID-19 therapeutic drugs, the balance of payments for pharmaceuticals has expanded its deficit to 4.3 trillion yen.
pharmaceuticals医薬品Due to an increase in the import of COVID-19 therapeutic drugs, the balance of payments for pharmaceuticals has expanded its deficit to 4.3 trillion yen.


デジタル赤字と円安で経常黒字半減 22年度9.2兆円 - 日本経済新聞 2022年度の経常収支の黒字が9.2兆円となり、前年度から半分以下に縮小した。円安や資源高でモノの貿易に絡む赤字が過去最大に膨らみ、企業や個人が使う海外IT(情報技術)...
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