政治– category –
Online provision of government statistical source data accelerates verification of policy effects
【政府統計元データをオンライン提供し、政策効果の迅速な検証を促進】 English日本語 The government has decided to provide unaggregated raw data online within a few days by fiscal year 2025. This online provision will expedite the prompt ver... -
Prime Minister Kishida meets in Seoul, indicating the possibility of improving relations between Japan and South Korea
【岸田首相、ソウルで会談 日韓関係改善の可能性示唆】 English日本語 Prime Minister Kishida and President Moon Jae-in held talks and discussed security cooperation between Japan, the US, and South Korea, among other topics. They hinted at ... -
Prime Minister Kishida to visit South Korea
【岸田首相、韓国を訪問へ】 English日本語 Prime Minister Kishida visits South Korea on a government plane. Shuttle diplomacy resumes and discussions on Japan-South Korea and Japan-US-South Korea security cooperation will take place with P... -
Wakayama City explosion case, re-arrest
【和歌山市爆発事件、再逮捕】 English日本語 Kimura, who is suspected of illegally producing gunpowder in the Wakayama City explosion case, was re-arrested. A powder was found at Kimura's home, strengthening the suspicion that he produced ... -
US government officials meet with top AI companies to aim for balancing safety and technological innovation in AI
【米政府高官が主要AI企業トップと会談、AIの安全性担保と技術革新の両立を目指す】 English日本語 A meeting was held between senior officials of the US government and top executives of major AI companies to discuss the safety of AI. President... -
US military chief: Ukrainian and Russian ceasefire could take 1-2 years
【米軍トップ、ウクライナとロシアの停戦は1〜2年かかる可能性】 English日本語 The Putin administration, which still adheres to the main war theory, has pointed out that it will take time to achieve a ceasefire with Russia due to "political ... -
NATO to strengthen security cooperation with Japan
Summary English日本語 Japan and NATO have formulated a new security cooperation plan and will establish a liaison office in Tokyo by 2024. NATO will collaborate with Japan in areas such as cyber defense to counter threats from China and ... -
LDP Secretary-General Mogi Discusses Funding for Measures against Declining Birthrate
Summary English日本語 He stated that the funding for measures to combat declining birthrates would first be secured through expenditure cuts and the use of insurance premium revenue. He said that he was not considering tax hikes or gover...