LDP Secretary-General Mogi Discusses Funding for Measures against Declining Birthrate


  • He stated that the funding for measures to combat declining birthrates would first be secured through expenditure cuts and the use of insurance premium revenue.
  • He said that he was not considering tax hikes or government bond issuance, and was instead exploring measures to reduce the burden on taxpayers.
  • The necessary budget for measures to combat declining birthrates could reach up to 8 trillion yen, but funding sources must be secured and policy proposals must be narrowed down.
  • He stated that the decision on when to increase defense spending would be postponed, and would be made at an appropriate time.
  • He expressed the view that there is a need to continue discussing weapons with lethal capabilities that cannot currently be exported.

Word Exercise

funding資金He stated that the funding for measures to combat declining birthrates would first be secured through expenditure cuts and the use of insurance premium revenue.
measures施策He stated that the funding for measures to combat declining birthrates would first be secured through expenditure cuts and the use of insurance premium revenue.
combat戦うHe stated that the funding for measures to combat declining birthrates would first be secured through expenditure cuts and the use of insurance premium revenue.
expenditure支出He stated that the funding for measures to combat declining birthrates would first be secured through expenditure cuts and the use of insurance premium revenue.
revenue収入He stated that the funding for measures to combat declining birthrates would first be secured through expenditure cuts and the use of insurance premium revenue.
taxpayers納税者He said that he was not considering tax hikes or government bond issuance, and was instead exploring measures to reduce the burden on taxpayers.
budget予算The necessary budget for measures to combat declining birthrates could reach up to 8 trillion yen, but funding sources must be secured and policy proposals must be narrowed down.
decision決定He stated that the decision on when to increase defense spending would be postponed, and would be made at an appropriate time.
lethal致命的なHe expressed the view that there is a need to continue discussing weapons with lethal capabilities that cannot currently be exported.
capabilities能力He expressed the view that there is a need to continue discussing weapons with lethal capabilities that cannot currently be exported.


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