Prime Minister Kishida meets in Seoul, indicating the possibility of improving relations between Japan and South Korea

岸田首相、ソウルで会談 日韓関係改善の可能性示唆

  • Prime Minister Kishida and President Moon Jae-in held talks and discussed security cooperation between Japan, the US, and South Korea, among other topics.
  • They hinted at improving the strained relationship between Japan and South Korea over issues such as forced labor, and discussed measures to strengthen the supply chain of important materials and how to deal with North Korea.
  • They announced that President Moon will be invited to the G7 Hiroshima Summit, where they will also discuss international and regional situations.
  • Shuttle diplomacy has resumed, leading to the first Japan-South Korea Summit since December 2011.

Word Exercise

Prime首相Prime Minister Kishida held talks with President Moon Jae-in.
security安全保障They discussed security cooperation between Japan, the US, and South Korea.
cooperation協力They discussed security cooperation between Japan, the US, and South Korea.
strained緊張したThey hinted at improving the strained relationship between Japan and South Korea over issues such as forced labor.
forced labor徴用労働They hinted at improving the strained relationship between Japan and South Korea over issues such as forced labor.
supply chain供給チェーンThey discussed measures to strengthen the supply chain of important materials.
deal with対処するThey discussed how to deal with North Korea.
announced発表されたThey announced that President Moon will be invited to the G7 Hiroshima Summit.
diplomacy外交Shuttle diplomacy has resumed.
summit首脳会議The first Japan-South Korea Summit since December 2011.


韓国大統領「歴史より未来の協力」 日韓首脳会談 - 日本経済新聞 【ソウル=小林恵理香】韓国を訪問中の岸田文雄首相は7日、ソウルの韓国大統領府で尹錫悦(ユン・ソンニョル)大統領と会談した。日韓や日米韓の安全保障協力などを議論する...
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