US military chief: Ukrainian and Russian ceasefire could take 1-2 years


  • The Putin administration, which still adheres to the main war theory, has pointed out that it will take time to achieve a ceasefire with Russia due to “political constraints.”
  • Whether a large-scale counteroffensive is possible depends on Ukraine, but the United States continues to provide military support, and Ukraine’s military strength has been strengthened compared to a year ago.
  • Except for the Bachmut in Donetsk Oblast in eastern Ukraine where Russia is expanding its controlled areas, the situation is basically at a stalemate.
  • To prevent China from taking full military cooperation with Russia, the United States is countering China with economic sanctions.

Word Exercise

administration政権The Putin administration pointed out that it will take time to achieve a ceasefire with Russia due to “political constraints.”
ceasefire停戦The Putin administration pointed out that it will take time to achieve a ceasefire with Russia due to “political constraints.”
counteroffensive反攻Whether a large-scale counteroffensive is possible depends on Ukraine.
military軍事のThe United States continues to provide military support to Ukraine.
strength力量Ukraine’s military strength has been strengthened compared to a year ago.
stalemate膠着状態The situation is basically at a stalemate except for the Bachmut in Donetsk Oblast.
prevent防ぐTo prevent China from taking full military cooperation with Russia, the United States is countering China with economic sanctions.
cooperation協力To prevent China from taking full military cooperation with Russia, the United States is countering China with economic sanctions.
economic経済のThe United States is countering China with economic sanctions.
sanctions制裁The United States is countering China with economic sanctions.


米軍トップ「ロシア停戦に1〜2年」 合理的判断に時間 - 日本経済新聞 【ワシントン=坂口幸裕】米軍制服組トップのミリー統合参謀本部議長は2日公開の米メディアとのインタビューで、ロシアが侵攻を続けるウクライナとの停戦になお1〜2年かかる...
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