Apple and Google collaborate to prevent misuse of lost prevention tags


  • Apple and Google have announced their collaboration to prevent the misuse of loss prevention tags.
  • Both companies are leading the development of standard specifications for the technology to address the growing number of cases involving stalking and other abuses.
  • While Apple has already been able to detect improper use, the company is calling on manufacturers and retailers to adopt the technology to enhance convenience.
  • Although Apple and Google are competitors, they previously worked together to develop a system to detect contact with COVID-19 patients in 2020.

Word Exercise

collaboration協力Apple and Google have announced their collaboration to prevent the misuse of loss prevention tags.
misuse不正使用Apple and Google have announced their collaboration to prevent the misuse of loss prevention tags.
loss prevention tags紛失防止タグApple and Google have announced their collaboration to prevent the misuse of loss prevention tags.
standard標準Both companies are leading the development of standard specifications for the technology to address the growing number of cases involving stalking and other abuses.
specifications仕様Both companies are leading the development of standard specifications for the technology to address the growing number of cases involving stalking and other abuses.
technology技術Both companies are leading the development of standard specifications for the technology to address the growing number of cases involving stalking and other abuses.
manufacturers製造業者While Apple has already been able to detect improper use, the company is calling on manufacturers and retailers to adopt the technology to enhance convenience.
retailers小売業者While Apple has already been able to detect improper use, the company is calling on manufacturers and retailers to adopt the technology to enhance convenience.
competitors競合他社Although Apple and Google are competitors, they previously worked together to develop a system to detect contact with COVID-19 patients in 2020.
systemシステムAlthough Apple and Google are competitors, they previously worked together to develop a system to detect contact with COVID-19 patients in 2020.


AppleとGoogle、紛失防止タグの不正利用防止で協力 - 日本経済新聞 【シリコンバレー=奥平和行】米アップルと米グーグルは2日、紛失防止タグの不正利用を防ぐために協力すると発表した。両社が主導して技術の標準仕様をつくり、スマートフォ...
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