US Technology 5 Companies Show Recovery in Performance, But the Impact of Economic Slowdown Continues


  • Despite the decrease in worldwide smartphone shipments, Apple’s sales only decreased by 2% YoY, while revenue increased.
  • Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, and Amazon all exceeded market expectations and the number of companies facing losses decreased to three.
  • Market capitalization increased by approximately 4 trillion yen in one week and the percentage of the total market capitalization of the S&P 500 index returned.
  • As the market as a whole slows down due to the economic deceleration, tech giants are expanding their shares, and competition and market authorities in various countries are taking a tough stance on the use of M&A. Negotiations with the EU on privacy protection are also proving difficult.

Word Exercise

worldwide世界的なDespite the decrease in worldwide smartphone shipments
smartphoneスマートフォンDespite the decrease in worldwide smartphone shipments
shipments出荷Despite the decrease in worldwide smartphone shipments
revenue収益Apple’s sales only decreased by 2% YoY, while revenue increased.
market expectations市場予想Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, and Amazon all exceeded market expectations.
losses損失the number of companies facing losses decreased to three.
market capitalization時価総額Market capitalization increased by approximately 4 trillion yen in one week.
S&P 500S&P 500the total market capitalization of the S&P 500 index returned.
competition競争tech giants are expanding their shares, and competition and market authorities in various countries are taking a tough stance on the use of M&A.
privacy protectionプライバシー保護Negotiations with the EU on privacy protection are also proving difficult.


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