Car payment service to be launched in Europe in 2023 to promote widespread use

車載決済サービスが普及へ 欧州で2023年に開始へ

  • There is a trend of incorporating payment functions into automobiles, and Sumitomo Corporation is partnering with Vodafone UK to start the service in Europe by 2023.
  • Car payment is expected to be used for charging stations for electric vehicles and drive-thru payments, and it is expected to be used for in-car services payments when self-driving cars become popular.
  • There are several authentication methods such as fingerprint and voice recognition, and there may be intensified competition over standardization.
  • With many compatible vehicle models, it seems easy for Sumitomo to promote the use of SIM cards, but it is necessary to partner with communication companies by country.
  • Annual growth of 15% or more is expected until 2028, and the market size is expected to expand to over 1.5 trillion yen.
  • It is said that collaboration with multiple service providers is necessary for consumers to use car payments.

Word Exercise

trend傾向There is a trend of incorporating payment functions into automobiles.
incorporating取り入れるThere is a trend of incorporating payment functions into automobiles.
payment支払いThere is a trend of incorporating payment functions into automobiles.
automobiles自動車There is a trend of incorporating payment functions into automobiles.
partnering提携するSumitomo Corporation is partnering with Vodafone UK to start the service in Europe by 2023.
authentication認証There are several authentication methods such as fingerprint and voice recognition.
intensified強化されたThere may be intensified competition over standardization.
compatible互換性があるWith many compatible vehicle models, it seems easy for Sumitomo to promote the use of SIM cards.
partnerパートナーIt is necessary to partner with communication companies by country.
collaboration協力It is said that collaboration with multiple service providers is necessary for consumers to use car payments.


クルマを決済端末に 住友商事、英ボーダフォンと欧州で - 日本経済新聞 自動車に決済機能を搭載する動きが広がってきた。住友商事は英ボーダフォンと組んで2023年中に欧州で車載決済サービスを始める。車載決済は自動運転が普及すれば、車内のあ...
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