By instructing through generative AI, users can easily obtain illustrations and photographs.


  • By using AI that has learned many images, it is possible to automatically generate pictures and photos simply by instructing the user with an image.
  • By using Midjourney, high-quality pictures can be easily obtained by instructing it with English sentences.
  • Even on smartphones, it is easy to generate images using apps such as AI Picasso.
  • By using a generation AI, it is easy to obtain the desired image even if one does not have artistic talent or photography skills.

Word Exercise

AI人工知能By using AI that has learned many images, it is possible to automatically generate pictures and photos simply by instructing the user with an image.
generate生成するBy using Midjourney, high-quality pictures can be easily obtained by instructing it with English sentences.
instruct指示するBy using Midjourney, high-quality pictures can be easily obtained by instructing it with English sentences. Even on smartphones, it is easy to generate images using apps such as AI Picasso.
userユーザーBy using AI that has learned many images, it is possible to automatically generate pictures and photos simply by instructing the user with an image.
pictures画像By using AI that has learned many images, it is possible to automatically generate pictures and photos simply by instructing the user with an image.
photos写真By using AI that has learned many images, it is possible to automatically generate pictures and photos simply by instructing the user with an image.
high-quality高品質なBy using Midjourney, high-quality pictures can be easily obtained by instructing it with English sentences.
smartphonesスマートフォンEven on smartphones, it is easy to generate images using apps such as AI Picasso.
artistic芸術的なBy using a generation AI, it is easy to obtain the desired image even if one does not have artistic talent or photography skills.
photography写真撮影By using a generation AI, it is easy to obtain the desired image even if one does not have artistic talent or photography skills.


画像生成AI、テキストで指示するだけ スマホでも手軽に - 日本経済新聞 絵心に自信がない人にとって、イラストを描くのはおろか、画像をレタッチすることすらハードルが高いと感じる。そうした「クリエーティブ」と思われる分野でも、生成AIは人...
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