テクノロジー– category –
Developing Advanced AI using “Fugaku”, to be Provided Free of Charge to Domestic Companies
【富岳」を利用して高度な生成AIを開発、国内企業に無償提供へ】 English日本語 Tokyo Institute of Technology and Fujitsu plan to develop advanced generative AI by FY2023. They will use Japanese language data to train the AI and aim to improv... -
Apple sets limits on AI use by employees, including chatbot GPT
【アップル、従業員によるチャットGPTなどのAI利用に制限】 English日本語 It has been revealed that Apple is restricting the use of AI technology utilizing large-scale language models as part of the business operations for some of its employ... -
By instructing through generative AI, users can easily obtain illustrations and photographs.
【生成AIによってイメージを指示すれば、ユーザーは手軽にイラストや写真を取得できる】 English日本語 By using AI that has learned many images, it is possible to automatically generate pictures and photos simply by instructing the user with a... -
US Technology 5 Companies Show Recovery in Performance, But the Impact of Economic Slowdown Continues
【米テクノロジー5社、業績回復も景気減速の影響は続く】 English日本語 Despite the decrease in worldwide smartphone shipments, Apple's sales only decreased by 2% YoY, while revenue increased. Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, and Amazon all exceed... -
Konica Minolta Provides Video Platform for Planetariums
【コニカミノルタ、プラネタリウム向け映像プラットフォームを提供】 English日本語 Konica Minolta has developed a video platform for planetariums and is delivering programs in a subscription format. By placing a dedicated device and connecti... -
Apple and Google collaborate to prevent misuse of lost prevention tags
【アップルとグーグル、紛失防止タグの不正利用防止で協力】 English日本語 Apple and Google have announced their collaboration to prevent the misuse of loss prevention tags. Both companies are leading the development of standard specificatio... -
FTC Releases Comprehensive Plan to Restrict Use of Children’s Personal Information by Meta
【FTC、メタによる子供の個人情報の利用を制限する包括案を公表】 English日本語 The FTC has released a comprehensive proposal that significantly restricts the use of children's personal information by Meta. If approved, this may pose headwin... -
Car payment service to be launched in Europe in 2023 to promote widespread use
【車載決済サービスが普及へ 欧州で2023年に開始へ】 English日本語 There is a trend of incorporating payment functions into automobiles, and Sumitomo Corporation is partnering with Vodafone UK to start the service in Europe by 2023. Car pa...