Shohei Ohtani Becomes Second Player to Achieve “500 Strikeouts and 100 Home Runs” in MLB with his 500th Strikeout
【大谷翔平、MLB通算500奪三振達成し2人目の「500奪三振&100本塁打」達成】 English日本語 Shohei Ohtani of the Los Angeles Angels had tied his career-high with 13 strikeouts and reached 500 career strikeouts, becoming only the second player ... -
Qualcomm announces Q1-Q3 2023 financial results: 17% decrease in smartphone semiconductor sales.
【クアルコム、2023年1〜3月期決算発表。スマホ用半導体売上高は17%減少。】 English日本語 Qualcomm announced its financial results for the January to March 2023 quarter, with a revenue of 9.275 billion dollars, a 17% decrease from the same p... -
Car payment service to be launched in Europe in 2023 to promote widespread use
【車載決済サービスが普及へ 欧州で2023年に開始へ】 English日本語 There is a trend of incorporating payment functions into automobiles, and Sumitomo Corporation is partnering with Vodafone UK to start the service in Europe by 2023. Car pa... -
Apple’s deposit service starts in the United States, with approximately 135 billion yen deposited in the first four days
【米国でアップルの預金サービス始動、開始4日間で約1350億円預け入れ】 English日本語 According to reports, Apple's deposit service has collected $990 million (about 135 billion yen) in deposits during the first 4 days after its launch. App... -
NATO to strengthen security cooperation with Japan
Summary English日本語 Japan and NATO have formulated a new security cooperation plan and will establish a liaison office in Tokyo by 2024. NATO will collaborate with Japan in areas such as cyber defense to counter threats from China and ... -
LDP Secretary-General Mogi Discusses Funding for Measures against Declining Birthrate
Summary English日本語 He stated that the funding for measures to combat declining birthrates would first be secured through expenditure cuts and the use of insurance premium revenue. He said that he was not considering tax hikes or gover...