Apple’s deposit service starts in the United States, with approximately 135 billion yen deposited in the first four days


  • According to reports, Apple’s deposit service has collected $990 million (about 135 billion yen) in deposits during the first 4 days after its launch.
  • Apple has teamed up with US financial giant Goldman Sachs to offer high-interest deposit services, and customers with the Apple Card can open accounts in less than a minute from the Wallet app on their iPhone.
  • With the convenience and high credibility of Apple, the company aims to expand the use of the new service in the US, where the bankruptcy of regional banks due to deposit withdrawals is increasing.
  • Apple’s deposit interest rate is more than 10 times the national average for savings accounts, attracting attention. About 240,000 accounts were reported to have been opened in the first week.
  • In the US alone, there are more than 100 million users of Apple’s iPhone, and it is expected to continue attracting more deposit service users in the future.
  • While other banks are raising interest rates to secure deposits due to bankruptcies caused by outflows from Silicon Valley banks, Apple’s services provide an environment that makes it easier to keep deposits.

Word Exercise

deposit預金Apple’s deposit service has collected $990 million in deposits during the first 4 days after its launch.
high-interest高金利のApple has teamed up with US financial giant Goldman Sachs to offer high-interest deposit services.
credibility信頼性With the convenience and high credibility of Apple, the company aims to expand the use of the new service.
average平均Apple’s deposit interest rate is more than 10 times the national average for savings accounts.
opened開設されたAbout 240,000 accounts were reported to have been opened in the first week.
usersユーザーIt is expected to continue attracting more deposit service users in the future.
bankruptcies破綻While other banks are raising interest rates to secure deposits due to bankruptcies caused by outflows from Silicon Valley banks.
outflows流出While other banks are raising interest rates to secure deposits due to bankruptcies caused by outflows from Silicon Valley banks.
servicesサービスWhile other banks are raising interest rates to secure deposits due to bankruptcies, Apple’s services provide an environment that makes it easier to keep deposits.
environment環境While other banks are raising interest rates to secure deposits due to bankruptcies, Apple’s services provide an environment that makes it easier to keep deposits.


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