US Technology 5 Companies Show Recovery in Performance, But the Impact of Economic Slowdown Continues
【米テクノロジー5社、業績回復も景気減速の影響は続く】 English日本語 Despite the decrease in worldwide smartphone shipments, Apple's sales only decreased by 2% YoY, while revenue increased. Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, and Amazon all exceed... -
WHO Ends Coronavirus Emergency Declaration
【WHO、新型コロナ緊急事態宣言を終了】 English日本語 The state of emergency for the novel coronavirus has ended due to the spread of vaccines. Moving forward, coexistence through infection prevention measures such as vaccination will be a... -
Giants win comeback victory with a roundtripper sayonara hit
【丸サヨナラ弾で巨人が逆転勝利】 English日本語 Giant's come-from-behind victory with Maru's walk-off home run in extra innings Maru, who had been in a slump, recovered and produced a game-winning hit with his modified batting form follow... -
Konica Minolta Provides Video Platform for Planetariums
【コニカミノルタ、プラネタリウム向け映像プラットフォームを提供】 English日本語 Konica Minolta has developed a video platform for planetariums and is delivering programs in a subscription format. By placing a dedicated device and connecti... -
US government officials meet with top AI companies to aim for balancing safety and technological innovation in AI
【米政府高官が主要AI企業トップと会談、AIの安全性担保と技術革新の両立を目指す】 English日本語 A meeting was held between senior officials of the US government and top executives of major AI companies to discuss the safety of AI. President... -
US military chief: Ukrainian and Russian ceasefire could take 1-2 years
【米軍トップ、ウクライナとロシアの停戦は1〜2年かかる可能性】 English日本語 The Putin administration, which still adheres to the main war theory, has pointed out that it will take time to achieve a ceasefire with Russia due to "political ... -
Apple and Google collaborate to prevent misuse of lost prevention tags
【アップルとグーグル、紛失防止タグの不正利用防止で協力】 English日本語 Apple and Google have announced their collaboration to prevent the misuse of loss prevention tags. Both companies are leading the development of standard specificatio... -
FTC Releases Comprehensive Plan to Restrict Use of Children’s Personal Information by Meta
【FTC、メタによる子供の個人情報の利用を制限する包括案を公表】 English日本語 The FTC has released a comprehensive proposal that significantly restricts the use of children's personal information by Meta. If approved, this may pose headwin... -
How Far Can You Drive When the Fuel Warning Light Comes On in Your Car?
【クルマの燃料警告灯が点灯した場合、どのくらい走行可能か】 English日本語 The fuel level warning light may be yellow, and you can still drive for about 50km after it lights up The same model of car can vary in fuel consumption depending o... -
FRB Dilemma: Interest Rate Hikes and Banking System Instability
【FRBのジレンマ:利上げと銀行システム不安】 English日本語 The rapid rate hikes implemented by the Federal Reserve to combat inflation have caused instability in the banking system. The continued implementation of rate hikes that triggere...