Online provision of government statistical source data accelerates verification of policy effects


  • The government has decided to provide unaggregated raw data online within a few days by fiscal year 2025.
  • This online provision will expedite the prompt verification of policy effects, such as healthcare and measures to address declining birthrates.
  • We will gradually start providing more than 50 core statistics, such as the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s Basic Survey on Wage Structure, through online provision.
  • We will also specially shorten the data provision period of the current system to an average of one month by fiscal year 2023 and an average of one week by fiscal year 2024.

Word Exercise

unaggregated非集計のThe government will provide unaggregated raw data online.
fiscal year会計年度The data will be provided by fiscal year 2025.
verification検証This online provision will expedite the prompt verification of policy effects.
healthcare医療The online provision will expedite the prompt verification of healthcare policies.
measures対策The online provision will expedite the prompt verification of measures to address declining birthrates.
core中核のWe will gradually start providing more than 50 core statistics through online provision.
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare厚生労働省The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s Basic Survey on Wage Structure will be provided through online provision.
shorten短縮するWe will specially shorten the data provision period.
average平均のThe data provision period will be shortened to an average of one month by fiscal year 2023 and an average of one week by fiscal year 2024.
gradually徐々にWe will gradually start providing more than 50 core statistics through online provision.


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