Buffett’s Investment: 5 Major Trading Companies Performing Well

バフェット氏の投資 5大商社が好調

  • The combined net profit of the top 5 major companies exceeded 4.2 trillion yen, and Buffett’s stocks increased by 80%
  • Commodity trading companies are increasing their earning power beyond resources, with Mitsubishi Corporation achieving a net profit of 1.1806 trillion yen
  • While Buffett invests in companies with sustained competitive advantages, commodity trading companies evaluate potential for stable growth due to predictable demand from consumers
  • The future challenge lies in establishing a sustainable growth model for businesses that do not rely on market conditions, such as decarbonization and digitalization

Word Exercise

combined合わせたThe combined net profit of the top 5 major companies exceeded 4.2 trillion yen
netThe combined net profit of the top 5 major companies exceeded 4.2 trillion yen
profit利益The combined net profit of the top 5 major companies exceeded 4.2 trillion yen
exceed超えるThe combined net profit of the top 5 major companies exceeded 4.2 trillion yen
stocks株式Buffett’s stocks increased by 80%
commodity商品Commodity trading companies are increasing their earning power beyond resources
trading取引Commodity trading companies are increasing their earning power beyond resources
earning収益を得るCommodity trading companies are increasing their earning power beyond resources
potential潜在的なcommodity trading companies evaluate potential for stable growth due to predictable demand from consumers
predictable予測できるcommodity trading companies evaluate potential for stable growth due to predictable demand from consumers


商社5社、ウォーレン・バフェット氏投資後に純利益4倍 計4兆円超 - 日本経済新聞 総合商社の2023年3月期連結決算(国際会計基準)が9日出そろった。大手5社の合計純利益は約4兆2000億円を超え、米著名投資家ウォーレン・バフェット氏が大量保有を始めた21...
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