Toyota to invest 5 trillion yen in EV-related efforts by 2030, may surpass Tesla in spite of estimated profit decline

トヨタ、2030年までにEV関連に5兆円の投資 減益予想でテスラが追い抜くとの見方も

  • Toyota has announced a plan to invest 5 trillion yen in EV-related projects by 2030.
  • Although currently lagging behind in the EV market, Toyota aims to increase their EV investments and catch up with competitors.
  • As the EV market expands, it becomes challenging for traditional car companies to maintain their dominance.
  • Developing attractive electric vehicles and gaining consumer support is crucial amidst the investment burden.

Word Exercise

invest投資するToyota has announced a plan to invest 5 trillion yen in EV-related projects by 2030.
lagging遅れているAlthough currently lagging behind in the EV market, Toyota aims to increase their EV investments and catch up with competitors.
expand拡大するAs the EV market expands, it becomes challenging for traditional car companies to maintain their dominance.
crucial極めて重要なDeveloping attractive electric vehicles and gaining consumer support is crucial amidst the investment burden.
announce発表するToyota has announced a plan to invest 5 trillion yen in EV-related projects by 2030.
aim目指すAlthough currently lagging behind in the EV market, Toyota aims to increase their EV investments and catch up with competitors.
competitor競合他社Although currently lagging behind in the EV market, Toyota aims to increase their EV investments and catch up with competitors.
dominance支配As the EV market expands, it becomes challenging for traditional car companies to maintain their dominance.
attractive魅力的なDeveloping attractive electric vehicles and gaining consumer support is crucial amidst the investment burden.
burden負担Developing attractive electric vehicles and gaining consumer support is crucial amidst the investment burden.


決算:トヨタ、EV投資5兆円 「160兆円競争」の世界追う - 日本経済新聞 トヨタ自動車は10日、2030年までに電気自動車(EV)関連に5兆円を投資すると明らかにした。従来計画から1兆円を積み増す。23年3月期の連結純利益(国際会計基準)は2兆4500...
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