Ion to Introduce Decarbonization Labels for Food


  • Ion introduces a “decarbonization label” that enables consumers to feel the reduction of CO2 emissions in food.
  • The label is affixed to up to 23 products and divided into three levels, representing the reduction rate in the form of stars.
  • 68% of consumers wish to purchase environmentally friendly products due to an increasing awareness of environmental issues.
  • European companies have already implemented the label, and public and private sectors in Japan are currently devising evaluation guidelines.

Word Exercise

decarbonization炭素削減Ion introduces a “decarbonization label”.
labelラベルThe label is affixed to up to 23 products.
CO2 emissions二酸化炭素排出enables consumers to feel the reduction of CO2 emissions in food.
reduction削減representing the reduction rate in the form of stars.
starsdivided into three levels, representing the reduction rate in the form of stars.
consumers消費者68% of consumers wish to purchase environmentally friendly products.
environmentally friendly環境にやさしい68% of consumers wish to purchase environmentally friendly products.
companies企業European companies have already implemented the label.
public公共public and private sectors in Japan are currently devising evaluation guidelines.
private私的public and private sectors in Japan are currently devising evaluation guidelines.


イオン、食品のCO2削減見える化 最大23品にラベル表示 - 日本経済新聞 イオンが食品の二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量の削減度合いを示すラベルの貼付に乗り出す。6月以降、野菜など最大23品目にラベルを付けて販売する。排出量削減レベルを消費者に知...
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