Nintendo’s Consolidated Net Profit Forecast to Decrease by 21% due to Slowing Sales of Switch


  • Sales of Switch are expected to decrease by 17%, and due to the decline in software, the forecasted net profit for the fiscal year ending in March 2024 is 340 billion yen, a 21% decrease from the previous period.
  • The sales target for Switch in the fiscal year ending March 2024 is 15 million units, a 50% decrease from the previous period.
  • Although the total number of software sales is expected to reach 180 million copies, it is expected to be 16% lower than the previous period.
  • The movie “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” was a big hit, and its worldwide box office revenue is approaching 160 billion yen, but many estimate it will not be enough to compensate for the decline in the main game business in the stock market.

Word Exercise

sales販売Sales of Switch are expected to decrease by 17%.
expected期待するSales of Switch are expected to decrease by 17%.
decrease減少するSales of Switch are expected to decrease by 17%.
softwareソフトウェアdue to the decline in software, the forecasted net profit for the fiscal year ending in March 2024 is 340 billion yen.
forecasted予測されたdue to the decline in software, the forecasted net profit for the fiscal year ending in March 2024 is 340 billion yen.
net profit純利益the forecasted net profit for the fiscal year ending in March 2024 is 340 billion yen.
fiscal year会計年度the forecasted net profit for the fiscal year ending in March 2024 is 340 billion yen.
previous period前期the forecasted net profit for the fiscal year ending in March 2024 is 21% decrease from the previous period.
target目標The sales target for Switch in the fiscal year ending March 2024 is 15 million units.
compensate補償するmany estimate the movie’s revenue will not be enough to compensate for the decline in the main game business in the stock market.


任天堂の純利益21%減、ニンテンドースイッチ減速で 24年3月期 - 日本経済新聞 任天堂は9日、2024年3月期の連結純利益が前期比21%減の3400億円になる見通しだと発表した。発売7年目のゲーム機「ニンテンドースイッチ」の販売台数が17%減少し、ソフトも...
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