経済– category –
The National Tax Agency Provides Opinion on New Type of Stock Compensation
【国税庁が新型株式報酬に見解を出す】 English日本語 The National Tax Agency has revealed that it will provide a tax treatment viewpoint for the new stock compensation in May. Companies are aware that there is a 20% tax on stock sales, but... -
Japanese Stocks Attract Attention in Asia
【日本株式がアジアで注目を集める】 English日本語 Japan's market capitalization increase is top in Asia, reaching twice that of China with the Nikkei Stock Average recording its highest level in 33 years. Investors are once again paying a... -
Luminary Technologies CEO acquired by Forbes for $800 million
【ルミナー・テクノロジーズのCEO、フォーブスの発行元8億ドルで買収】 English日本語 The CEO of US-based Luminaire Technologies has acquired 82% ownership of the publisher of Forbes, valuing the company at approximately $800 million. Success... -
Samsung to Establish New Semiconductor Technology Development Base in Japan
【サムスン、日本で半導体技術の開発拠点を新設】 English日本語 South Korean electronics company Samsung will establish a semiconductor development base in Yokohama, creating hundreds of jobs. They will advance joint research with Japanese ... -
Current Account Shrinks Due to Weakening Power to Earn from Goods
【経常収支、モノで稼ぐ力の低下で縮小】 English日本語 The current account surplus for fiscal year 2022 has shrunk to less than half of the previous year. The deficit in goods trade has reached a record high, and payments for overseas IT s... -
Toyota to invest 5 trillion yen in EV-related efforts by 2030, may surpass Tesla in spite of estimated profit decline
【トヨタ、2030年までにEV関連に5兆円の投資 減益予想でテスラが追い抜くとの見方も】 English日本語 Toyota has announced a plan to invest 5 trillion yen in EV-related projects by 2030. Although currently lagging behind in the EV market, Toyot... -
Nintendo’s Consolidated Net Profit Forecast to Decrease by 21% due to Slowing Sales of Switch
【任天堂、スイッチの販売減速で連結純利益予想21%減】 English日本語 Sales of Switch are expected to decrease by 17%, and due to the decline in software, the forecasted net profit for the fiscal year ending in March 2024 is 340 billion yen,... -
Ion to Introduce Decarbonization Labels for Food
【イオン、食品の脱炭素ラベル導入へ】 English日本語 Ion introduces a "decarbonization label" that enables consumers to feel the reduction of CO2 emissions in food. The label is affixed to up to 23 products and divided into three levels, r... -
Buffett’s Investment: 5 Major Trading Companies Performing Well
【バフェット氏の投資 5大商社が好調】 English日本語 The combined net profit of the top 5 major companies exceeded 4.2 trillion yen, and Buffett's stocks increased by 80% Commodity trading companies are increasing their earning power beyo... -
Strong sales for iPhone 14, but other products struggle – Apple announces Q1-Q3 financial results
【iPhone14が好調も、他製品は不振─アップル、1-3月期決算発表】 English日本語 Despite the slowing economy affecting smartphone demand, the iPhone 14 series performed well. The sales revenue of the iPhone department reached an all-time high ...