Qualcomm announces Q1-Q3 2023 financial results: 17% decrease in smartphone semiconductor sales.


  • Qualcomm announced its financial results for the January to March 2023 quarter, with a revenue of 9.275 billion dollars, a 17% decrease from the same period last year.
  • The sales of its main smartphone semiconductors also decreased by 17%, which was affected by the global slowdown of the smartphone market.
  • The net profit was 174 million dollars, a 42% decrease. The stock price dropped by more than 6% in the after-hours trading on the third day.
  • According to the survey by the American research company IDC, the global smartphone shipments decreased by 14.6% in the January to March 2023 quarter, with almost a 12% decline in the Chinese market.
  • The sluggish demand continued despite the end of “zero coronavirus” policies that aimed to control the spread of the new coronavirus.

Word Exercise

announced発表するQualcomm announced its financial results.
financial財務のQualcomm announced its financial results.
revenue収益Qualcomm announced a revenue of 9.275 billion dollars.
decrease減少するThe revenue and sales of Qualcomm decreased.
semiconductors半導体The sales of smartphone semiconductors decreased.
global世界的なThe global smartphone market was affected by the slowdown.
net profit純利益The net profit of Qualcomm decreased.
stock price株価The stock price of Qualcomm dropped.
survey調査The survey by IDC showed a decrease in global smartphone shipments.
sluggish不活発なThe demand for smartphones was sluggish despite the end of coronavirus policies.


米クアルコム1〜3月、17%減収 スマホ需要減が響く - 日本経済新聞 【シリコンバレー=中藤玲】米半導体大手クアルコムが3日発表した2023年1〜3月期決算は、売上高が前年同期比17%減の92億7500万ドル(約1兆2400億円)だった。市場予想を上回...
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