Strong sales for iPhone 14, but other products struggle – Apple announces Q1-Q3 financial results


  • Despite the slowing economy affecting smartphone demand, the iPhone 14 series performed well.
  • The sales revenue of the iPhone department reached an all-time high in the January-March quarter, and CEO Tim Cook expressed satisfaction with the performance in emerging markets.
  • However, other hardware products performed poorly. In particular, the Mac department for consumers decreased by 31%.
  • On the other hand, the services division increased by 5% and the number of paid subscribers increased by 150 million.

Word Exercise

despite〜にもかかわらずDespite the bad weather, the event was successful.
economy経済The pandemic has negatively affected the global economy.
smartphoneスマートフォンMany people cannot live without their smartphones nowadays.
performed実施する、遂行するThe company performed well in the last quarter.
revenue収益The company’s revenue has doubled in the past year.
all-time high歴代最高The temperature reached an all-time high for this month.
emerging markets新興市場Many companies aim to expand into emerging markets.
hardwareハードウェアThe computer’s hardware is outdated.
services divisionサービス部門The company’s services division is growing rapidly.
subscribers加入者The streaming service has gained many subscribers in the last year.


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