How Far Can You Drive When the Fuel Warning Light Comes On in Your Car?


  • The fuel level warning light may be yellow, and you can still drive for about 50km after it lights up
  • The same model of car can vary in fuel consumption depending on driving conditions and road environment
  • If you are in the city, you can look for the nearest gas station and use roadside assistance at night
  • On the highway, it’s recommended to aim for the next service area within 50km, but be aware that some areas may have a distance of over 100km between them
  • If you cannot make it to the next service area, ask your passenger to search for one. If you still can’t find one, don’t force yourself to continue driving. Instead, exit at the nearest interchange and refuel.

Word Exercise

fuel燃料The fuel level warning light may be yellow.
warning警告The fuel level warning light may be yellow.
lightThe fuel level warning light may be yellow.
drive運転するYou can still drive for about 50km after it lights up.
modelモデルThe same model of car can vary in fuel consumption.
consumption消費The same model of car can vary in fuel consumption.
condition条件fuel consumption depending on driving conditions and road environment.
road道路fuel consumption depending on driving conditions and road environment.
stationステーションYou can look for the nearest gas station and use roadside assistance at night.
assistance援助You can look for the nearest gas station and use roadside assistance at night.


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